Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blue is for Nightmares.

      Blue is for Nightmares is an amazing book by Laurie Stolarz. It takes place in present time, at Hillcrest Boarding School. The main character, Stacey Brown, is having these strange dreams involving her best friend and her roommate, Drea Sutton. This isn't the first time Stacey has had these nightmares though. Three years ago, she had the same nightmares, but about this little girl she used to babysit, Maura. Stacey ignored the dreams, thinking they weren't significant. But when they found little Maura dead, exactly how Stacey had dreamt it, she knew that these weren't just dreams. But now, she is having the same dreams again. She knows she has to trust herself in order to save Drea from what the nightmares are trying to tell her.
      Stacey, Drea, and Amber are the trouble trio. They try everything to solve this mystery involving Stacey's dreams and Drea's fate. At first, everyone is a suspect, including each other. But eventually, they learn that they need to trust each other in order to get some clues. Drea receives four lilies, a death flower, which resembles that she has four days to live. They start to panic and realize this is all real. Will they be able to stop the nightmares from coming true or will they fail? Read the book "Blue Is for Nightmares" to find out.

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